Our Journey To Happiness

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Fulltime RV challenges you don't think about

Sometimes it’s the little things that count. It’s going to the same hair stylist, walking into the same bank, urgently calling the pediatrician, snagging an available dentist appointment, and the list goes on.

It’s the simple things that can be a challenge while traveling fulltime in your rv. Sure, if you’re stationary then you don’t have anything to worry about. We sold the white picket fence dream to travel.

Here’s some of the ways that we combat those challenges:

-Get health insurance that allows for online doc visits. Our private health insurance allows for phone call visits but it doesn’t replace checkups. It’s more for strep throat, out of control poison ivy, ear infections and such. Things that are quick and easy to treat so keep your PCP so that you have someone to go back to for big time visits if needed. If you need an insurance agent to go through just let me know and I’ll refer you to our guy we’ve used for almost 3 years now.

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Adapt to circumstances. Maybe you hated the way the lady cut your hair, know that it grows back! You won’t be visiting the same hairdresser, nail artist and such anymore. Just read google reviews and ask around before heading to the beauty artists.

DIY’s - you won’t have all of your typical tools, space and resources available on the road so ask around or bite the bullet and pay someone to fix a problem that you can’t do yourself. If you know me at all, you know that I say to have a savings because this lifestyle is NOT cheap!

Banks - find a bank that is easily done online. Ensure that you can deposit checks on an app, check your account, approve potential scams and such. We have a few banks and one is amazing in person but THE WORST online! Our main bank is amazing online, user friendly!

Internet - I’m sure you’ve thought of this one but it is one of the #1 things that people think of but don’t find a good solution. That’s because there isn’t a good solution. We’ve used OTR in the past and have rvITguy now; both of which started off great with unlimited high speeds but then changed their policies and now are only high speed sometimes (but still unlimited)… that means they “throttle”. Starlink is our upcoming purchase (just have to find an extra $700 laying around). This is what I recommend because it seems to be the most current reliable internet…. for now!

Grocery stores - you know when the sales are good at your hometown store. You know how to make the most bang for your buck and which shops to go to for what items, when you live in the same spot. On the road, you don’t have time to invest into each town to find deals so unless there’s an Aldi’s nearby then you have to pay attention to sale items as you go through the store. Try to download that stores app to click coupons too!

I know there’s a ton more things but this was just a quick list to get your wheels turning. If this helps, I’d love support with a cup of coffee! See ya on the road!